Federal Network on Youth Work
(Meeting of the Federal Network on Youth Work in Hannover on May 10, 2023)

The 3rd Federal Congress on Youth Work is supported by the Federal Network on Youth Work.
The Federal Network on Youth Work was founded in Nuremberg on 21 March 2019. The aim of the network is to connect the various fields and topic areas of youth work, including by linking representative associations, working groups and organisations at the federal level, promote academic discourse surrounding the fundamentals of youth work and thereby reinforce the professional, political and social relevance of youth work.
(Founding meeting in 2019)
The Federal Network intends to host a regular nationwide congress on youth work in the future.
“Young people need spaces that offer experiences and encounters – youth work is essential, and also in the age of COVID-19!” (Download)
Statement from the spokespeople of the Federal Network on Youth Work on the importance of youth work in the current circumstances (in German).
Founding members
The founding members of the Federal Network include:
- Federal Association of State Youth Welfare Offices (BAGLJÄ)
Homepage - Federal Association on Youth Work (BAG Jungenarbeit)
Homepage - Federal Association on Policy for Girls (BAG Mädchenpolitik)
- Homepage
- Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft Offene Kinder- und Jugendeinrichtungen (BAG OKJE)
Homepage - German Federation for Arts Education and Cultural Learning (BKJ)
Homepage - German Sports Youth (dsj)
Homepage - German Federal Youth Council (DBJR)
Homepage - Joint Initiative of Providers of Political Education for Young People (GEMINI)
Homepage - International Youth Service of the Federal Republic of Germany (IJAB)
Homepage - Cooperation Association for Open Youth Work (KV OKJA)
Representatives on the most senior youth and family authorities in the federal states have guest status in the Federal Network. Other founding members of the Federal Network also include academics working in the field of youth work.
The Federal Network’s spokespeople (listed in alphabetical order) are:
- Daniela Broda
German Federal Youth Council (DBJR) - Jaana Eichhorn
German Sport Youth (dsj) - Volker Rohde
Federal Association of Open Children’s and Youth Facilities (BAG OKJE) - Michael Schwarz
Federal Association of State Youth Welfare Offices (BAGLJÄ) - Gunda Voigts
Academic Network on Youth Work (WiNe KJA) - Clara Wengert
German Federation for Arts Education and Cultural Learning (BKJ)