Information in English


The 4th Federal Congress on Child and Youth Work will take place in Potsdam (Germany) from 16 to 18 September 2024. Due to the pandemic the congress was held digitally for the first time in 2021. This year participants from academia, professional practice, associations, administration and politics will be able to meet in person again. In terms of content, the Federal Congress will primarily reflect the diversity of child and youth work.

In addition to the three-day congress programme, the Park der Möglichkeiten offers an open space where different child and youth work actors and organisations can present themselves and interact with visitors. Excursions to child and youth work organisations and projects in the state of Brandenburg will furthermore be offered. On 16 and 17 September the two evening events will provide additional space for encounters outside of the congress programme.

The 4th Federal Congress on Child and Youth Work is organised by the Forschungsverbund DJI/TU Dortmund, the Fachverband Jugendarbeit/Jugendsozialarbeit Brandenburg e. V. and the State Capital Potsdam.

Regional co-organisers are the Landesjugendring Brandenburg e.V. (LJR), the Sozialpädagogische Fortbildungsinstitut Berlin-Brandenburg (SFBB) and the Stiftung SPI - Geschäftsbereich Niederlassung Brandenburg.

The congress is supported by the Federal Network on Youth Work.

The 4th Federal Congress on Child and Youth Work is sponsored by the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth (BMFSFJ) and the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport of the State of Brandenburg (MBJS).


The congress team

The congress team of the 4th Federal Congress on Child and Youth Work is assembled from employees of the co-organisers – Forschungsverbund DJI/TU Dortmund, the Fachverband Jugendarbeit/Jugendsozialarbeit Brandenburg e. V. and the state capital Potsdam - as well as from one of the regional co-organisers, the Landesjugendring Brandenburg e.V.

Contact the team of the 4th Federal Congress on Child and Youth Work:

General questions:

Congress programme: Dr. Julia von der Gathen-Huy (send e-mail) and Julia Hallmann (send e-mail)

Park der Möglichkeiten: Kathrin Schubert (send e-mail)

Infrastructure: Ronny Richter (send e-mail) and Vanessa Thieke (send e-mail)

Public relations: Julia Hallmann (send e-mail)

Local organisation: Anne-Laure Leroy (send e-mail)

Participant organisation: Sebastian Volberg (send e-mail)


The programme advisory board

The 4th Federal Congress on Child and Youth Work is being supported by a programme advisory board. By means of the programme advisory board, the congress team can benefit from the broad expertise of professionals and academics in the field of child and youth work in order to create a diverse congress programme. One of the central tasks of the programme advisory board is to advise the congress team on professional and content matters. Furthermore, it acts as a multiplier in its own organisations and/or networks and promotes participation in the federal congress.


Frequently asked questions (FAQ)


What is the Federal Congress on Child and Youth Work?

The Federal Congress on Child and Youth Work is the three-day conference on child and youth work for professionals, volunteers and multipliers from academia, professional practice, administration and politics. The federal congress offers opportunities for joint dialogue as well as professional and political debates. There will be space to discuss current and future social developments and contribute to the development of ideas surrounding the fundamentals of child and youth work.

Who should I contact if I have any questions or suggestions?

The congress team will be there to assist you with any requests relating to the 4th Federal Congress on Child and Youth Work. You can find the contact details in our menu under "Contact".

Is there any material that I can use to spread the information about the 4th Federal Congress on Child and Youth Work?

You can find current press releases and materials for public relations on our menu under "Presse & PR". If you have any questions, please contact our public relations department:



How is the congress programme composed?

The programme of the 4th Federal Congress on Child and Youth Work is composed of contributions from science, professional practice, society and politics. During the Call for Participation, it was possible to submit a contribution for the congress programme and/or for the Park der Möglichkeiten with information stands and activities relating to child and youth work by 12.12.2023 and thus help shape the congress.

What will be part of the 4th Federal Congress on Child and Youth Work?

In addition to the congress programme, which is made up of contributions from science, professional practice, society and politics, the Park der Möglichkeiten and excursions to child and youth work institutions and projects in the state of Brandenburg will offer opportunities for exchange and networking. Moreover, evening events will take place on the first and second day of the congress.



How can I take part at the 4th Federal Congress on Child and Youth Work?

In order to participate in the 4th Federal Congress, you need to register. This will take place in two steps: In the first step (from mid-February 2024) you register for the Federal Congress. In the second step (probably in May), you will register for individual events. Further information on the registration process will be published on our website.

Is there a limit to the number of participants?

We are planning for a total of 1,500 participants (on-site and digital). Due to room capacities, the maximum number of participants per event is limited. Therefore, please book your favoured events as early as possible.

Are participation fees charged for the 4th Federal Congress on Child and Youth Work?

The participation at the 4th Federal Congress on Child and Youth Work is free of charge.

Is it possible to participate digitally at the 4th Federal Congress on Child and Youth Work?

The 4th Federal Congress on Child and Youth Work will take place in person in Potsdam. Individual selected sessions will probably be made available online via a livestream.

Is it possible to refund travel and/or accommodation costs for participants?

Participants are responsible for their own travel, accommodation and catering costs. However, no participation fees will be charged.

Are there accommodation contingents that can be used at a reduced price?

The congress team has temporarily reserved accommodation in various categories in and around Potsdam. These will be made available on the website when registration for the congress opens - probably in February 2024.

Is the 4th Federal Congress on Child and Youth Work accessible to all?

We are working on making the 4th Federal Congress on Child and Youth Work as accessible as possible. We are welcoming suggestions and proposals in this regard.